I’m tired but thankful

I’m due for a few more mushy posts on my thankfulness journey, but today I’m too tired. I had to LEAVE my house at 6:00 this morning to go put on a breakfast event for work. Since it takes me about 12 hours to get ready for work in the morning (what will I do when have children?), this means I’m working on very little sleep and too much caffeine. I’m about 10 minutes from downing two Benadryl and calling it a night.

I am happy to report, however, that my parents cried when they read yesterday’s post. That made my whole day. Why wait until something bad happens to tell someone you love them? I’m a big fan of telling people over and over and over. You’re probably next, so watch out.

But back to my long day. After my crack-of-dawn breakfast event, I brought all of my leftover food back to the office for my coworkers to enjoy. I was walking across the parking lot, carefully balancing a large box of pastries, a carton of orange juice a bag of cream cheese and silverware and my 50-pound purse… when the handles on my giant pastry box ripped, and the box came this close to hitting the ground and scattering Panera Bread cinnamon crunch bagels all over the parking lot. It was a total Charlie Brown moment.

Thankfully, I pulled a slow-motion Mission Impossible move and saved the pastries. I have quick reflexes when it comes to cinnamon crunch bagels.

I also got fitted for my Mrs. Santa Claus costume, because in two weeks I will be spreading Christmas cheer to hundreds of little boys and girls up at my hospital. When I first told Mr. Right that I was playing Mrs. Santa Claus, he worriedly looked at me and asked, “You’re not going to wear one of those sexy Mrs. Santa costumes, are you?”

No, Mr. Right. I can assure you that I will be sporting the frumpy, matronly, extremely conservative Mrs. Santa suit, along with a gray wig, round spectacles and an apron. I can’t wait to hear what all those kiddos tell us what they want for Christmas.  I can see it now…

Johnny: Santa, I want a puppy for Christmas.
Me: Sure, no problem!

Sally: Santa, I want a Barbie Princess Dreamhouse Laptop!
Me: I’ll bring you two!

This may be my one and only year to play Mrs. Santa. We’ll see how it goes.

But on to today’s thankfulness. Besides being thankful that I have a job that allows me to do some wonderfully random things, I am thankful for some other wonderfully random things today.

Today, on Day 16, I am thankful for:

-Pinterest wreaths. Last night I finished this Christmas wreath, made from clearance rack red felt, a box of straight pins and a $5 styrofoam wreath. No hot glue gun required. Maybe the easiest craft I’ve made in years.

I’m not sure if it’s going on my front door or my mantle… I may just have to make another one so I don’t have to choose (my next one will be white). If it goes on my door, it will replace my fall Pinterest wreath.

I’m tempted to take those rosettes off and repurpose them as a pin to wear on my brown cardigan. I even snuck a few yo-yo’s, which are one of my favorite things on the planet. I hope there aren’t any weird germs from them hanging up outside for two months.

-I’m thankful for an impromptu dinner date with my mom tonight.

-I am thankful that patterned tights are in style AGAIN this year. I wore some for the first time today, and I had forgotten just how comfortable they are (and how much they cover your pale white legs after your husband made you promise not to go to a tanning bed ever again and you’re too lazy to put on any self-tanner, and besides it smells bad). I especially like how all the fashion experts talk about how “in” patterned tights are this season. I guess they forgot that they were “in” last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. I’m pretty sure today’s tights were circa 2008.

Or maybe I’m just progressive.

-I am thankful for Hulu because our Tivo was broken for a month and didn’t record any of our favorite TV shows. It’s obvious that we don’t watch much TV since it took us three weeks to notice the Tivo wasn’t working and another week to figure out how to fix it (um… you unplug it and plug it back in… it’s like magic). But the past few nights I’ve been watching my shows on my laptop while piecing the last of my black and white quilt. Sure makes the time go by faster.

-I am thankful for an early bedtime after an early wake-up call. Time to take those two Benadryl.

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