I’m back

I had been so good about posting lately… 24 posts in July. That may be a new record for me. You can tell I had a lot of time on my hands during my break from grad school…

I had every intention of writing this week, but I started reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, and I did absolutely NOTHING else the whole week. I couldn’t put that stupid thing down! I love the feeling of having a book that is so good, I literally thirst for it all day, anxiously anticipating the moment when I can pick it up after a long, hard day, curl up on my couch and escape my world for a few hours. With this one, I barely even slept… I had to force myself to put it down each night around 12:30. I blame all of my crankiness last week on Ms. Rivers!

Oh, and I feel like I should mention that I really DID do other things this week besides read, otherwise you may think I’m a bigger nerd than I really am (okay, maybe I am a nerd anyway). I played tennis with friends, went out for coffee with some of my Sunday School girls, played my last (thank you Lord!) softball game, officially booked my 2009 cruise, went to dinner with my long-lost roommate, and caught a Rangers-Yankees game at the Ballpark. It was quite a week!

And, I found the most fabulous strapless, black lace cocktail dress for a black tie event later this month. It’s one of those dresses that makes me feel like a movie star! It was way out of my budget, but my cute sister Lindsay works at the mall and is getting me a mean discount, so it’s back in my budget! I hope all my friends get married this year so I have an excuse to wear this bad boy as much as possible!

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