I have a new big girl bed

I have a new big girl bed. Thanks to my fabulous in-laws who decided to change up their guest bedroom, we got this gorgeous thing as a hand-me-down. Swoon.

Mr. Right asked me what I thought, as I was lying in bed, feeling totally spoiled by a headboard AND a footboard. I told him I feel like a princess.
“And you know what?” he asked me. “There’s no duct tape.”
Ahh, yes. That’s how I know I’ve made it to the big time. I have a bed with a headboard, a footboard, and NO duct tape. Very unlike the bed I used for the past nine years… a hand-me-down from a sweet neighbor’s son (circa 1982) with a headboard that just leaned against the wall and a bed frame held together with half a roll of duct tape. And no footboard.
In case you’re wondering, duct tape could probably hold an 18-wheeler to a high rise. It held me for nine years, including a few times when I may or may not have jumped and/or danced on my bed (don’t judge).
Now I just need to figure out what to hang over our bed – I used to have two hand-carved boards from Pottery Barn that I somehow, in a fit of stubbornness, hung myself – wall anchors and all – even though they weigh about 50 pounds each. There are about 100 holes hiding behind those two hangings, so either Mr. Right is going to have to patch them, or we’re going to have to find something gigantic to cover the holes. I may have to give my interior designer sister a call for a consult. I’m hoping she’ll trade some tips for free babysitting… she’s going to need it come this summer when my nephew arrives. (enter squeals of excitement here)
Oh, and I should probably take the bedskirt we got as a wedding gift out of the package, now that I have my big girl bed. I’ve been meaning to do it for the past 13 months, but it requires ironing. And I hate ironing. But now I’m inspired.
As for curtains on that poor, naked window (there’s actually about four naked windows)… that will have to wait awhile longer. I’ll be too busy looking at my big girl bed to even notice them.

One Comment

  1. nice bed!!! i feel like this whole being-responsible-with-money-thing definitely makes me more excited about the big girl things!!! xoxo, s


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