I am thankful for my sisters

Happy Thanksgiving! As I sit here in my sewing room typing away on the computer, Mr. Right is busy in the kitchen making us a gourmet breakfast (because we haven’t consumed quite enough calories yet) and prepping for our family dinner tonight. He asked me if my 30 Days of Thankfulness ends today… it doesn’t. I’m not sure if it’s good timing or bad, but I’m extending my thankfulness through the end of November. Besides, I still have several more big posts up my sleeve… I could be thankful until spring. But I’ll try to cap it on November 30.

Today I am thankful for my sisters. Growing up in a house full of girls was one of the biggest blessings God could have given me. My sisters are my best friends–not just because they have so much dirt on me that I’ll always have to stay on their good side. No, they are two of the coolest and strongest women I’ve ever met. I am so thankful for them.

You can imagine that we grew up with a lot of laughter in our house…

We have seen each other through weddings and major illnesses. Dozens of moves and dozens of boys (but praise Jesus we found our keepers). Breakup CDs and dance parties and High School Musical movie nights. We have cheered each other on at softball games and gymnastics meets and cheerleading competitions. I’ve watched them walk the stage at high school and college graduations. And soon, we’re going to cheer Sarah on as she has a BABY. (We’re pee-in-your-pants excited about that one.)
We have traveled the world together… from Italy and France to the White House and the mountains of Colorado. I have shared a bed with them (they’ll tell you I hog the sheets… they’re lying) and tiny back seats with them (with our running joke that I need more room because of my LONG legs).  
(In Venice… part of a two-week European trip without hair dryers or straighteners… talk about roughing it and BAD hair days.)

Not only are my sisters fun, but they’re also super talented. Sarah is the most fabulous interior designer I know (call her!) and she has helped me refinish furniture and figure out how to make my house look like something that could be on Pinterest. Lindsay is nurse in the neuro ICU at one of the biggest hospitals in town and is always available to answer those pressing medical self-diagnosis questions (can I mix Benadryl with this flu medication?), and who’s the only one in the family not worried about being puked on (she’s pulled hospital family puking duty on two different occasions).

Our sisterhood is authentic… while we were all Thetas at Baylor, we opted to start our own sorority… Beta Sigma Lambda for LIFE. We eventually let the husbands join.

So to Sarah and Lindsay… I am so very thankful for you. And Happy Thanksgiving!

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