I am all He says I am

I am all

Does anybody else have that still, small voice that tends to tell you lies? You know the kind: you’re not good enough, you’re not pretty enough, you’re not thin enough. You’re not as good of a homemaker as you should be, you’re not the mother you should be, you’re not a good enough friend, daughter, sister, employee, person. If only did more this… if only you were more like that… but you’ll never get there.

My friend, I have to battle every single day against this awful little voice that pushes me toward perfectionism. It’s a lie, it’s unhealthy, and it’s not of God. But take heart – God has overcome the world, and the God of the universe has chosen YOU. He defines you. He has called you beloved, he sings over you, he knows your name. He has called you daughter, heir, friend, his bride.

I heard a speaker this week who said that Jesus calls us his bride. If you think about a groom and the way he looks at his bride as she walks down the aisle… he doesn’t see her imperfections, her insecurities, her shortcomings. He sees her as his beloved.

My friend, you are defined by who GOD SAYS YOU ARE. Be blessed by these lyrics to my new favorite song (source at the bottom).

He whispers in my ear
Tells me that I’m fearless
He shares a melody
Tells me to repeat it
And it makes me whole
It reminds my soul

I am all He says I am
I am all He says I am
I am all He says I am
And He says I am His own

I was blinded by scales upon my eyes
Then He came like a light
And burned up all the lies
He set me free
He reminded me

I am all He says I am
I am all He says I am
I am all He says I am
And He says I am His own

Chains are broken
Scales are on the floor
Truth is spoken
I’m no orphan anymore

I am loved
I am new again
I am free
I’m no slave to sin
I’m saint
I am righteousness
I’m alive> 

{Source: Gateway Worship – All He Says I Am}


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