Give me grace

I think one of the greatest lies the enemy has for us is that we’re alone. That nobody else can relate to our problem. That we’re the only one. That it makes us abnormal. That nobody will understand.
Through my years of serving in women’s ministry I’ve found that one of the greatest things we women can do for each other is to be transparent. To be willing to remove the veil of perfection and let others in on our struggles. 
I’m not a perfect wife. 
I’m not a perfect housekeeper.
I’m not Martha Stewart.
I don’t have it all together… I have junk drawers and my mascara runs and I have absolutely no idea what I want to be when I grow up. 
This year as I’ve struggled with health issues and the lingering physical and emotional scars it brings, I’ve found that several of my friends have silently been carrying the same burden. I had no idea. It was so encouraging to find out I’m not alone. 
I’ve had countless friends share with me their deepest, darkest insecurities, and I just hug them and tell them… me too.
Satan wants us to feel isolated, because that’s when we lose hope. God created us to be in community, so that when we struggle with unfixable problems, there’s a girlfriend nearby who can take us to get ice cream and pray for us and encourage us to keep on fighting.
We’re not alone. Underneath those skinny jeans, tall boots, statement necklaces, and perfect Pinterest projects are girls who, like you, need someone to reassure them that they’re not the only ones in the midst of a battle.
Let’s boast in our weaknesses, and cling to the power that comes through Christ.
PS–This month my little blog hit an all-time high of just under 2,000 hits. Thank you to my sweet friends (and family, and husband) for paying me so many visits. I am thankful for you.

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