Gems from around the web

The internet can be so fun sometimes! I love to share the wealth when I find little gems that are extra helpful, enjoyable, or affirming. Here you go (click on the picture for the original source):


I have thrown a lot of parties in my life. That’s what 10 years as an event planner will do. I have enjoyed some enormous decoration budgets, but when it comes to throwing parties on my own dime, at my own home, well, I’m more of a grocery store flower kind of girl. Which doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all – there are so many fun ways to fool your guests into thinking you spent more than you really did. This article will tell you how. (PS – If there’s a Trader Joe’s in your town, they have the most interesting flowers at really low prices.)


Wrenn’s first birthday is just five months away, which means of course, as a first-time mom, I’m already thinking about her party. Because that’s what first-time moms do, right? I’ve promised myself I wouldn’t go over the top, but my sister sent me info on this adorable party hat, and well, I think I’m in love. Confession: I may or may not have bought the supplies to make her a tutu for the party as well. I’m hopeless.


I’m a firm believer that the devil wants us to feel like we’re isolated. The only one struggling with something. He tells me often that I’m the only person who doesn’t have my act together. Which is not true. So of course I am loving this series from Momastery, which happens to feature one of my very favorite bloggers in the whole world (Jen Hatmaker – if you don’t follow her on Facebook… go do it now).


I’m slowly but surely piecing together my next quilt. You know, this process goes a lot slower when your quilting only happens during baby’s naptime. Especially since naptime is my best chance to do dishes/laundry/straighten up/shower/go to the bathroom/sit. And, this quilt features 450 triangles. So yeah, I’ll be done in 2039. But it’s beautiful, isn’t it? It’s inspired by Simply Pieced. (PS – Her quilts are so my style – I love all of them.)



PS – Happy birthday today to my dear mama!



Prov 31Looking for beautiful scripture prints to inspire you? Visit Texas Lovely on Etsy.

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