Fun night

After such an intellectually draining week, tonight was the perfect reprieve. I was able to sneak in a quick nap after work, then played volleyball with a bunch of my church friends at the park! It was so nice… the weather was perfect, my friends were all in a good mood, and I even managed to get a few serves over! And the best part… I didn’t have to use my brain at all!

Both of my sisters came… and it reminded me of just how lucky I am to have such awesome sisters. When the three of us get together, we ALWAYS have fun, no matter who else is around or what we’re doing. They’re my closest friends and I’m so thankful for them. And I learned something else… my youngest sister Lindsay is a volleyball pro! She was diving and digging all over the place… she definitely doesn’t take after her big sister (me).

I’m off to bed… the Benadryl is starting to kick in, soon I’ll be in a drug-induced coma.

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