Friday needs a little sunshine

As a young child, my parents used to sing this song to me, so as an adult this song still makes me feel warm and fuzzy and safe. (No, not fuzzy because I forgot to shave my legs – the good kind of fuzzy.)
And so what better way to celebrate the end of a gorgeous, sunshiney end-of-summer week in Texas but to add this new poster to my Etsy shop.

Don’t forget – until the end of August I’m offering a buy-one-get-one-free on all posters, so you can keep one for yourself and bless someone else with an unexpected gift.

And PS–my sister posted a blog about the birth story of her miracle baby. If you need a good happy cry, go pay her a visit to see how she got her baby even though doctors said it wasn’t possible.


  1. Just ordered mine! I had been toying with the idea of making my own print of that very same song…but yours is just way cuter than mine would've been!


  2. Hey lady, just found your blog through Texas bloggers & am enjoying it. We are in ministry in east Texas & I love finding others with similar life styles. Looking forward to reading more from you.


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