Friday Ketchup

Last night my poor softball team lost yet again. During one of our innings, they scored 8 runs (the run rule) before we ever got a SINGLE out! The final score was 15-5, but it seemed like 100-2. I consider it a victory, though, since nobody asked me if I was a boy this time. Baby steps.

I also played tennis the other night with friends. It was fantastic! Way better than going to the gym, and an excuse for me to wear a cute tennis skirt! I think we’re going to make it a standing “thing” each week… there I go again overcommitting! But this one will combine socializing and exercise–my favorite!

Life is good. I’ve got the next nine days off from work–a regular “vacation-sandwich”… with the meat being a quick trip to New York, and the buns being time at home lounging by the pool, reading books and sleeping late. Yea!

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