Finally, school pays off

I found out late last week that the research paper I have worked so hard on this semester was accepted to a conference in Miami. In mid-March, my professor and I will go present our research to a bunch of public relations academics and professionals. And we’re competing for “top paper” with some other folks… at times I can be a bit competitive, and this one has a CASH PRIZE, which means I would really, REALLY like to win. When you start talking monetary rewards, research seems to become a bit more interesting.

I could tell you what it’s about, but the title alone is about 50 words long and would put you straight to sleep. Basically, it’s about how intranets can provide employees with “voice” in a large organization. I have enjoyed learning about intranets and creating one of my own, but my 25 pages of literature review, descriptions and stats might just put you to sleep. Hopefully it won’t put the conference attendees to sleep. I guess either way, I get a trip to Miami out of the deal.

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