Fashion – the battle between tailored and stretchy pants

I will not wear mom jeans! I will not wear mom jeans! I WILL NOT WEAR MOM JEANS!

This is my daily mantra as I pick out my clothes. I will not give up the fight and settle for a life of mom jeans and stretchy pants.

Although, between you and me, some days it’s really tempting.

Because you see, friends, I’m tired. I work at a big hospital that requires a LOT of walking on hard tile floors, lot’s of moving boxes, taking things on a dollie out to my car, delivering collateral to departments on the other side of the hospital, hoisting things to a top shelf, and doing that in heels just stinks.

Which is why God invented flats. But flats are like my gateway drug to other comfort clothes – suddenly I find myself living in flowy shirts and cardigans, paired with the same two pairs of black slacks I seem to wear every day. Not very exciting, and probably the reason why I get asked over and over if I’m pregnant. It’s my own fault.

Don’t get me wrong – I can still do sassy. And when I have a big community event, I try to go all out. But whereas eight years ago when I first started this job I might have worn my stilettos all day, now I carry an extra pair of flats in my purse and the minute the event ends, the comfy shoes go back on, the belt and big bracelets come off, and I try to get comfortable again.

And so I battle the urge to let the comfort turn to frumpiness. I fight back by wearing heels on dates with my husband, by getting out of my comfort zone and buying (gasp) skinny jeans, by wearing sundresses whenever possible at home and avoiding t-shirts unless I’m heading to the gym. I have no desire to be known as fashion-forward, but I don’t want to give up. I want to be one of those 80-year-old women who dresses “young” for her age, which means I can’t give up now.

What about you? How do you balance the desire for comfort (and let’s face it – being just plain tired) with the desire to still look cute?

PS–I just discovered this fashion blog on Pinterest yesterday, and it’s already one of my new favorites! You should check it out.

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