End of the month

November is National Blogging Month, and my blog-a-day challenge has come to a close. I didn’t make it every day, but I did manage 27 out of 30 possible days. Not bad.

Here’s a quick run-down of my really fantastic and relaxing Thanksgiving week:
  • Thanksgiving with my family was really nice. My mom is a fantastic cook and made us a feast, and sister Lindsay is a master pie baker… I wish I could eat pecan pie every day. 
  • I ran 12 miles on Friday, in 126 minutes. It was a really good run, I didn’t feel like throwing up a single time. That’s a lot better than my last super-long run (Isn’t it crazy that I judge success by my lack of vomiting? That’s how I know this sport is nuts). Just 14 days until my half marathon.
  • I put up several thousand Christmas lights on my house on Saturday. All by myself. I’m really proud, it looks great. I’m even more proud that I didn’t need a guy to help. Except for the part where my dad came, but that was at the very end, so I don’t count it.
  • Tonight several of my friends helped neighbor Nick decorate his Christmas tree. I love having friends who live in my neighborhood, it’s really special. I’m not sure why, but it makes me feel like a grown-up.
  • Today I finished piecing together my latest quilt. I promise to post pictures soon. I’m really proud of how well it turned out.
  • I didn’t do a lick of homework the entire weekend. It was absolutely glorious.
Time to grab some sleep so I’m nice and fresh for my first day back in the real world tomorrow. Is it crazy that I’m excited to go back to work? I really do love what I do, and if I’m gone for a few days, I start to miss it. 

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