Edward Love

I discovered the official Twilight Web site while I was getting my hair done… and once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down! You can imagine me sitting under the hair dryer while my hair was being, um, “cut” (aka… “blonded”–but I will never admit to it!), hovering over my iPhone, squinting to read the tiny text. 

I love this site because not only is there some juicy inside information about my favorite book, but Stephenie Meyer talks about her writing process and how she got published. I have a burning desire to write novels, and am constantly churning ideas for characters in my head. But alas, I have never jumped into the deep end and given it a whirl. Although if you look closely in my house, you’ll see notes for books stashed in various drawers, hidden from view. Then again, if you look closely, you may find some other unsightly things in those drawers as well. No snooping, okay?

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