Doing my happy dance

Today I’m spending the day in bed, not because I’m sick, but because I worked a 14-hour day yesterday putting on our annual black tie gala for work. It was incredibly stressful but I’m so very pleased at how it turned out. One of the benefits to being the one in charge is that I try to slip in little things that will make my husband and I happy that nobody else would ever notice. Last night I had the DJ play the first and last songs we danced to at our wedding. So, while everybody else enjoyed a regular dance, Mr. Right and I traveled back to our favorite night at Bass Hall and reminisced about the glorious time we both had. It was special.
In other news… I’m feeling better! I finally saw a specialist last Monday and got on new medicine that seems to have done the trick. I’m going to stay on for a good long while, but I’ll be switching to a low-dose version that should be much more tolerable… I can even get in the sun! Since I am wonderfully close to a little beach vacation, this was especially good news.
After a few weeks of feeling especially blue, it was so nice to have a week where I felt good. My energy is quickly returning, and I have a long list of things I want to do with my husband now that I’m able to be out and about again. Here’s the short list:
1. Go on a bike ride together
2. Take a picnic date to Trinity Trails in Fort Worth to watch the sun set
3. Ride the train to Dallas for dinner
4. Start RUNNING again!
5. Refinish the dresser we’re turning into a buffet for our dining room
6. Go on spontaneous Sonic runs after dinner… or other unplanned random weeknight date excursions
It seems like such a simple list, but these are all things we wanted to do but got cancelled over the last four months. I am simply ecstatic about the possibilities now.
Over the past four months my husband has shown me what a gem he is. On one of my very lowest days, this is what I found in our bathroom, a note he had left in a very loud way:
It was difficult to catch on camera, but it was a C.S. Lewis quote that made me melt all over my bathroom floor. I still can’t bring myself to clean this large love letter off my mirror, even though I know eventually I’ll have to. In the meantime I will just relish in this sweet gesture and be thankful that God has blessed me with such an encouraging man.

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