
It’s so odd, I should be feeling tons of relief right now. And I am, but I’m also experiencing the aftereffects of a 3 1/2 year adrenaline rush. I have had to go-go-go for so long, and now that it’s over… I have experienced a huge wave of exhaustion. I’d really like to go hide under my comfortable electric blanket for a few days and simply read novels and avoid most of civilization. But in reality, I’m just going to try to take a few nights off to rest and recharge. If you don’t see or hear from me… you’ll know where to find me. Buried under my covers with a good book.

But I promise I won’t stay there for long. You know me… I get my energy from being around others… so just give me a few days and I’ll be back to my normal, energetic self. Only I’ll be better rested.
But first… off to pick out that novel.

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