Category / newlyweds
The Great Camping Trip of 2012
And then we headed back home for a hot shower and a two hour nap. Which is exactly how I like to end my camping trips.
Stay tuned, it’s a big week on the blog… I’ll tell you about the night when someone asked me, “How does it feel to be the only white person at this party?” And, I’ll debut pictures of my sister’s baby shower and THE baby quilt.
Happy Anniversary… for real this time
We’ve been celebrating for a week, but today, January 8, is our REAL anniversary. So of course I’m feeling extra mushy, going back and rereading Facebook messages from our wedding day, and thinking back to all of the things I was feeling, all the special people who were around us, and how I had no idea just how much I could love my husband.
This is the video we played at our rehearsal dinner… which makes me weepy and warm and fuzzy.
And this is what Mr. Right surprised me with this afternoon… he practically chased down a Girl Scout to snag me my absolute favorite cookies (I have a habit of hoarding them in my freezer and rationing them so they’ll last me until the following year). In fact, since he had to work most of today (which is why we’ve extended our celebration to a full week – a trade I will happily make), I will admit that I may or may not have spent my afternoon lying in bed, reading my book and munching on cookies (only two) with my electric blanket on full throttle, thus probably cooking my innards but keeping my toes toasty and warm.
And, he bought me dozens and dozens of roses.
I’m a sucker for flowers.
Happy anniversary to my wonderful husband and best friend.
Prayer & dance parties

They pushed the closing of our house back a few more days. Which means we have to pay another month’s mortgage. Which wouldn’t be a huge deal, except that I thought we were done. I thought we were finished paying unexpected expenses.
We’ve already paid to fix the foundation. We paid to fix the air conditioner that was vandalized during the break-in. We paid to rewire most of the house. Paid for some miscellaneous minor repairs. Paid someone to water our grass for four months. Paid to repaint the whole interior. Paid to replace a set of doors. Paid two mortgages for five months. And we still have to repay our tax credit to Obama.
My first response to this latest news wasn’t rejoicing. I cried. A lot. And then we prayed together, reminding ourselves that we will continue to trust in the Lord even in the midst of bad news. We will choose to give thanks in all circumstances, even when it’s not easy. Or fun.
And then Mr. Right and I threw a dance party in our living room to cheer ourselves up. Dancing silly hip-hop moves I learned in middle school to Sir Mix A Lot made us laugh until our sides hurt. And then we slow-danced to George Straight, right there, barefoot in our living room.
We decided to choose joy.
Fast forward to today… Mr. Right called me this afternoon with wonderful news. He called our bank and explained our situation, and we don’t have to pay our mortgage this month after all! The banker was so kind and offered a solution that works great for everybody… and we found out we get $300 more back on our escrowed taxes than we originally thought. So, we actually “made” some money today! (which is all theoretical since we’re still taking a loss… but less than I thought we would be losing as of this morning)
There will be some rejoicing going on tonight in the Wright household…
We continue to choose joy. And I may celebrate with ice cream.
I know what you did last summer: summer bucket list update
2. Watch fireworks
3. Take a picnic

4. Go on a bike ride
5. Watch a sunset
6. Go to the lake
7. Eat a leisurely dinner on a restaurant patio (too darn hot)
8. Host our cousins for a visit (we went and visited them in OKC instead)
9. Go to Will’s mall (We didn’t make it there, but Will’s grad school is doing a cover story in their school newspaper about his evangelism efforts at this particular mall which has an international flair… I’m so proud of my man, and can’t wait to go with him there soon).
10. Ride the train to Dallas
13. Cook a brisket – Mr. Right rocked this in our crock pot. He was so cute… I bet he checked it 87 times because he was brimming with excitement. I happily ate the product of his laborious toil.
14. Watch the newest Harry Potter
15. Lose 15 pounds – FAIL. I lost 4…
16. Eat at Cowboy Chow – just never made it over there… but this rolls over to our Fall Bucket List.
17. Cheer on the Rangers – twice… I’d post a picture but I was having a terrible hair day. Both times. I’m growing out my bangs… so this is a frequent occurrence.
18. Compete in a triathlon (Will) – I watched. And cheered. And drank coffee while my cute man swam in spandex shorts.
19. Date night on Trinity Trail (see #3)
20. Spontaneous ice cream date – there were spontaneous ice cream dates, spontaneous snow cone dates, and spontaneous fro-yo dates, which is why I failed at #15.
21. Use our crock pot – there’s a brisket somewhere under all those goodies… Mr. Right has been on a kick with the briskets. I don’t mind.
22. Eat Argentine food – My own personal chef (husband) made us homemade empanadas inspired by his summer living in Argentina. He used pizza dough… super easy. You should try it.
23. Eat Colombian food – This is rolling over to our Fall Bucket List
24. Eat Indian food
We completed 18 of 24 items… not bad for a crazy summer! We did much more than what this list covers… we took a trip to Florida, two trips to Oklahoma (Mr. Right made three), two trips to Midland, two weekends hosting an out-of-town guest, one week of house sitting… and we flipped and sold a house. I discovered spin class (and even – gasp – wore spandex), finished a quilt, sewed hundreds of yo-yo’s, went through ESL training, assured a dozen people that I am NOT pregnant, and had many fun dinners with friends. And only had two pedicures (look at me roughing it… I’m such a girl scout).
It was a very good summer indeed.
Ciao summer… bring on the fall and its tall boots, colorful scarves, fire logs and hot chocolate.
I’m going to be rich

One year
Greatest Weekend EVER