By the numbers

It was one year ago tonight that I went on my first date with Mr. Right. 365 days. He says that was the night he knew he wanted to marry me. I get a bit sentimental about anniversaries – my sweet husband has been hearing a lot of this lately…

“Honey, one year ago today I started liking you.”
“Honey, one year ago today you asked for my phone number.”
“Honey, one year ago today I got so mad at you because you didn’t call me for a WHOLE WEEK after asking for my number… and then you made it all better by FINALLY asking me out. And I melted. And I’ve never been the same.”
So it’s been 365 glorious days. Here are some other recent milestones, by the numbers:
44: Number of days since I married Mr. Right
78,943: Number of times I’ve thanked the Lord for blessing me with Mr. Right.
0: Number of nights I’ve slept through the night since marrying Mr. Right
0: Number of nights I’d trade Mr. Right for a good night’s sleep
3: Number of books I’ve read on my Nook in the past 44 days
2: Number of those books I’d recommend (Laura Bush’s autobiography, and the new John Grisham novel)
1: Number of Nicholas Sparks books I’ve read this month that I thought were utterly worthless
15: Number of days I’ve been on antibiotics this month (three more to go)
4: Number of meds I’ve run through trying to get better
3: Number of times I’ve forced myself to eat yogurt because that’s what you do when you take antibiotics, even though I’m not sure why (and I hate yogurt)
2: Number of times I’ve been to the doctor
2: Number of dates we’ve been on that ended with me ALMOST throwing up on my husband
687: Number of times people have joked/suggested/thought that the reason I’m sick is because I’m pregnant (they’re wrong)
1: Number of dinner parties I’ve hosted since January (we’ll make that two, later this week)
15: Number of times I would have hosted a dinner party if I hadn’t been sick all month
1: Number of times I visited my beloved old Sunday School class, just to say hello
1: Number of new Bible studies I’ve joined this month – Isaiah is rocking my socks off
768: Number of times I’ve thought, “Ummmm….????” while studying Isaiah
Every time: Number of times I’ve studied Isaiah and been convicted, encouraged, or in awe of the God I serve
I may now glow in the dark from all of the drugs that have flowed through my system these past few weeks, but this time has been such a blessing… full of belly laughs and aha moments, good books and forced rest.


  1. Feel better Bethe!! We have been hit by the sick-truck this past month as well. I am blogging right now from my bed. Get rest, fluids and just get better!!!PS…why do you eat yogurt?? I've never heard that before!


  2. Bethe,Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I popped over to see your site. Congrats on 1 year of marriage!Blessings!


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