Book Nerd

I’m such a book nerd. All that reading fun had to be put on hold for a few years while I was in school, but ever since I graduated, it’s back to my old nose-in-the-book ways. It’s one of the few new year’s resolutions that I’ve actually kept.

In the first seven weeks of 2010 I’ve finished six books and started two more:

Forgiveness: Breaking the Power of the Past by Kay Arthur and David & BJ Lawson

I taught this in my Sunday School class and absolutely loved it. It pointed out something I already knew too well… that forgiveness is a difficult but great act of obedience, and if we can muster up the courage to do it, we will be blessed. It has fantastic scripture references that could change your life. Go read it now.

This book reminded me of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, a gift from fellow book nerd DB a few years back. South of Broad is a very well written book about a group of social outcasts who survive their senior year together in the 1960s and then reunite again 20 years later to save their friend who is dying of AIDS. The book was beautiful but contained some harsh language and subject matter that was unnecessary. It dealt with race issues, abuse, class distinctions, and a whole mess of other things.
I’m not going to lie… I was so glad to finally finish this book because it was B-O-R-I-N-G. I’m a huge fan of the classics, but these characters grated on my very last nerve. The writing was fantastic, but I hated everybody in the book, which made for a painfully long read. But this has been on my “to read” list for about 8 years now, so I’m glad to have finally conquered it. Now it can go back to collecting dust on my book shelf.

The Chronicles of Narnia
I’m listening to the entire collection of C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia books on CD. I “read” them as I work in my kitchen, which makes cooking dinner (and doing dishes) so much more delightful. So far I’ve finished the first three: The Magician’s Nephew, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Horse and His Boy. My mom read me these books as a kid, and it’s fun to go back and relive the adventure as an adult.
What I’m reading now:
Another loaner from my dear mom and resident book expert (she read something like 45 books last year), I’m only a few chapters in but am already loving this story of a few black maids in Georgia in the early 1960s and their interactions with the white families they work for. The book is written in a black southern dialect that’s thick as honey and beautiful to read. I’ll let you know what I think when I finish it.
Everybody knows I’m a sucker for a good Beth Moore bible study, so when this book came out I couldn’t resist buying it, even if it IS the more expensive hardback edition. Since I’m a girl, I automatically deal with crazy insecurities every day (as do all my girlfriends – even my most perfect, gorgeous, well-adjusted girlfriends… they just do a good job of hiding it). Not only that, but I’m a crazy people-pleasing, approval-craving kind of girl, so this should be fun. I just picked it up today, so give me about two weeks and I’ll be quoting you all sorts of scripture on the subject… watch out.
So, my friends, what are you reading? I’d love some recommendations to add to my ever-growing Amazon wish-list.

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