
I tackled the 7-mile run again today, and this time, I conquered! No asthma attacks, no getting lost, and no wanting to die. It actually felt good! I rewarded myself with a breakfast burrito and a latte from my favorite coffee shop, then splurged on a pedicure. These little toes of mine have taken a beating, but now they’re newly polished once again!

I want to welcome two of my friends to the blogosphere. Check out Mike’s blog and Joel’s blog. For kicks, go on Joel’s blog and vote on the origin of global warming… it’ll drive him crazy if you vote for “man-made.” I’m thinking about voting 100 times just to see what kind of reaction I can get out of my Republican friend.

Tonight is the annual Bingo Gala! I’m most excited because I get to wear my beautiful new dress… I just love playing dress-up!

Please cross your fingers that I win the grand prize, $1,000 cash! I was the big winner back in 2004, and it would be a lot of fun to repeat. Just think of how many pedicures I could buy with $1,000! Anyway, I go to this fundraiser every year. Here’s a photo of my sisters and me at last year’s event…

Most movie stars prepare for formal events by starving themselves for weeks, getting a spray tan, and wrapping their bodies in saran wrap to rid themselves of cellulite. To prepare for my big night out, I ate two hotdogs and took a nap. I’m hoping the results are the same.


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