Beet ’em

Let me introduce you to the greatest softball team ever.
Oh wait, guys in the back, you’re not facing the camera.
There we go.
Meet Schrute Farms, the team that went from 2-8 last season to 7-2 this season, with one more game to go next week. These folks are awesome softball players, but they’re also super fun to hang out with. Their left fielder is always dropping pop-ups (that would be me) and yet the team always greets me with high fives when I get back to the dugout, and nobody seems to hold my error-filled ways against me. Every time I go to a game, I know I’m going to have fun, and my teammates only harass me a tiny bit for being the only person in the entire league who wears a batting helmet.
We also have the best jerseys in the league. I’m a much better shirt designer than I am left fielder! And of course, not at all biased.

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