Baylor Quilt

It has been awhile since I’ve posted a quilt update. Or any update, for that matter. I’m still trying to find the right time to practice my beloved hobby in between work and spending time with that darling family of mine, and writing, and well… you know, living life!

And hand-washing sippy cups. OH MY WORD I DO SO MUCH HAND-WASHING THESE DAYS!

But, I managed to pull this quilt top together over the past few months as I listened to books on tape (this one featured John Grisham’s Gray Mountain, which was pretty lousy), and ALMOST had it done in time to give it to my sister for Christmas. I had it done enough to present her with the quilt top for Christmas, and then with my week off of work, I managed to quilt and (machine) bind it the week between Christmas and New Year’s.

I am in love with how this one turned out. I guess my quilts are like my children… I love all equally (in theory anyway, since I currently only have one child), but each one has its unique personality that is worth celebrating.


This one was birthed completely from my stash. I got the kelly green fabric from the vintage fabric stash we purchased from one of Mr. Right’s elderly clients, and the yellows all came from my stash. I have had a thing with yellow since forever (it was prominently featured in my wedding) and when I was looking for inspiration for a new project and found that gorgeous green fabric, I just knew I had to make a Baylor quilt!

I have been wanting to make a simple triangle quilt where half of the triangles are the same, and the other half are different, ever since I spotted a similar pattern at an old antique mall. There’s something so vintage and wonderful about the regularity of this pattern. And, well, you know I have an affinity for half square triangles. And my Baylor Bears.


And since I prefer not to quilt from a pattern (it’s the one place in life where I break all the rules) I simply cut out what seemed like a million triangles and started a-sewing. And then I sat down to lay out my quilt, thinking I’d have enough leftover to make a doll quilt with the extras… and instead, I had the tiniest baby quilt you’ve ever seen. Those darn half square triangles (which are about 3 inches) didn’t take up as much space as I originally thought.

And so I added in some white sashing to let the squares “breathe,” and I’m so happy with the finished product!


For the backing, I bought new fabric that had a vintage feel. Can’t you just imagine this same fabric on some 1960s housewife’s ruffled apron? I bound it with a green striped fabric from my stash (yea for my giant stash!) and presented it to my sister just a week after Christmas.

I wish you could feel how soft this quilt is, and how wonderful the 100% cotton batting turned out (typically I use a poly blend, but went with something new this time and am totally hooked). I hope every time she sees this quilt she will know I love her, and feel compelled to give a rousing “SIC EM BEARS!”


be strong and courageousFor prints and other lovelies, visit Texas Lovely on Etsy.

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