Baby bump pictures & a contest

Who doesn’t love a good baby bump picture? I have been feeling really good lately – other than a few instances where Wrenn turns and gets into some crazy position (ouch!), I actually have more energy and feel better now than I have in a long time. I’m avoiding the Texas heat like the plague (got overheated once – indoors – and was sick for a full 24 hours), and I’m trying to prop up my swollen feet in the evenings, and I’m down to just a few pieces of clothing that still fit, but I still think this third trimester has by far been my best. Praise Jesus for no nausea!

For past baby bump pics, try theseΒ and these.




Oh, and I finally broke down and bought one of these – a maternity swimsuit. Trust me when I say that I will NOT be posting any bump pictures in that!

maternity suit

I just started Week 35… we’re in our final month! I think it’s a great time to start making bets – when do you think Baby Girl will make her appearance? Leave your prediction in the comments below, and if you’re the closest, then I’ll send you a free print from my shop! My due date is July 12, but my doctor has said she thinks I could go about two weeks early. Okay… predictions… go!


  1. I’m going to guess she makes a spectacular debut on July 4th so there will always be fireworks for her birthday.


  2. Beth hmmm!!!
    I think July 7th
    I can’t wait to see her. She will be as pretty as her mom I’m for sure πŸ™‚


  3. I’m guessing Patriotic baby! July 4th at 7:04 PM πŸ™‚
    I’ll be praying for a quick and easy delivery and a happy healthy baby and mommy!!!


    1. Ha, I only hate you a little. Mr. Right’s 30th birthday is July 16 so for awhile he was hoping she’d come then. But now he’s so excited he doesn’t want to wait that long!


  4. June 27… That’s my birthday, and it has consistently been a great day to celebrate! πŸ˜‰


  5. June 29th…One other person we know and love would share her birthday. Only he will be turning 30 this year. Michael Jon Martin


  6. Ahhhh!! I got the SAME maternity swimsuit on Friday! My hubby and I both think it’s pretty cute and I feel good in it- so much better than two weeks ago when I tried to squeeze into an old tankini- bad idea.
    You look so great in all of your belly pics!


    1. Kelly, I think we’re living parallel lives during this pregnancy–same crib, same swimsuit… I must admit that it was the cutest of the ones I could find online, and swimming felt SO GOOD on my tired body today. Must do it again next weekend.


  7. I am going to say she has to come before June 30 or wait until her Aunt Andrea gets back from vacation! So July 7. Wrenn should follow after her cousin luke and wait for me to get back from vacation!!! Love ya.


  8. […] for the contest I held last month to predict the date of Wrenn’s arrival, congrats to one of my best friends, Katie Beach, for […]


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