About Me

I married my Mr. Right in 2011 at the ripe old age of 30. He is the answer to many, many years of prayer. He is my best friend, co-parent, travel partner, and someone who makes everyday life seem like an adventure.

Another prayer was answered when we had baby girl Wrenn Olivia in July 2013. Being a mama is the best thing I have ever done – I had no idea it could be so much fun. Then, we added Mila Anne through adoption in November 2016. I could tell you hours and hours of stories about how God showed up for our adoption journey. But, you can also just read about that here.

I have a full-time job as the VP of Marketing for a national non-profit, where somehow I have convinced them to pay me to do all the things I love doing for fun. At home, I love to quilt, dig in my garden, and host people. In 2016 we hosted 258 people at our home. On a typical year, we probably host at least 150. At least.

Our family is motto is so simple, even our 4-year-old can recite it: Love God. Love people. Do big things. And that’s how we prioritize our time and energy – by doing those three things. Thanks for stopping by my little section of the web. I hope you’ll stay awhile.

One Comment

  1. […] you moseyed on over here from my friend Helene’s blog, welcome! You can read more about me here and visit my shop, Texas Lovely, […]


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