A BIRD-day Party: Wrenn Turns One!

We hosted Wrenn’s first birthday party about a week ago. We decided to keep things simple by only inviting our immediate family and hosting it off-site so we didn’t have to do any major decorating (or cleaning) of our house. It was such a wonderful time celebrating our baby girl and the way she has blessed us during her first year.

bird day party - blog

Since her name means bird, we opted for a simple bird theme. We rented the same house we stayed at for our anniversary a few months ago (which I just realized I never blogged about), and we matched our simple decorations with the house’s color scheme. It was so low-stress and easy (well, as far as parties are concerned) – we brought everything over to the house around noon, set things up, and then took naps before our guests arrived. A nap on a party day is a rare (and wonderful) treat.

I designed all of the paper goods myself, we used fresh flowers from our garden, and catered barbecue from our favorite local hole-in-the-wall. (Is it weird that we throw so many parties that we own our own chafing dishes?)



I realized that other than the professional photos we’ve taken, I hadn’t printed a SINGLE photo of Wrenn or our family from last year, so this party was a great excuse to do a little catching up. (Am I the only one who never gets around to printing all of the photos on their phone?)


For party favors I ordered magnets from here (the same place I printed my Instagram photos from – I loved the quality!). I also asked people to fill out a notecard with their favorite memory from Wrenn’s first year. I would love to do this every year on her birthday so that someday she can look back on all of these notes written by her favorite people.


And of course, I sewed Wrenn a special BIRD-day dress to wear. Be watching for a tutorial on that later – I even learned how to use the button-hole attachment on my machine. Thank goodness for YouTube tutorials.


Wrenn did some hard-core playing with her cousins and her new toys.

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I love this series of pictures of Wrenn and my sister, Sarah. She’s such a good sport!

4She LOVED her cupcake. That should be a surprise to no one. And confession: this is most definitely NOT Wrenn’s first taste of sugar. Life is too short not to share bites of whatever you’re eating with your baby. After all, we’re raising a future foodie.

After everybody left, Mr. Right, Wrenn, and I enjoyed our little rental and spent the night. There was an old-fashioned clawfoot bathtub. I may have taken a bath before AND after the party. Just maybe.

7I will have such wonderful memories from this day. Thanks to all of our family members who helped make this day special for little Wrenn, and for Mr. Right and me. Happy first birthday, little Wrenn!


HopeFor more prints, visit Texas Lovely on Etsy.

Other places you can find Texas Lovely:

On Facebook: www.facebook.com/texaslovelyshop
On Instagram: texas_lovely

One Comment

  1. Love, love, love all of the sweet details! I may be copying a few of these at a later date 😉 Happy Birthday sweet Wrenn!


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