2012 Year in Review

It’s my sixth anniversary for my annual year-in-review. It’s crazy to look back at 20072008, and 20092010, and 2011 and see how much life has changed. Each year holds a new adventure, and 2012 had plenty of adventures.
Where did you begin 2012?
We rang in 2012 at our friends and mentors’ house, Pam & Greg, with a bunch of our friends.
What random cool things happened in 2012?
Mr. Right traveled to India.
I started Texas Lovely, my online Etsy shop.
Mr. Right started a new real estate business.
We got pregnant.
Mr. Right became a licensed minister.
Mr. Right preached in California, and we turned it into a little vacation, visiting Colfax, Sacramento, and San Francisco.
We traveled to Marco Island, Florida for Mr. Right’s work and a little R&R for me.
I went to Portland, Oregon for a marathon race director conference.
We continued to teach ESL and recruited some really amazing new teachers to help us.
We planted a garden and expanded our patio. We had some success (hello rosemary and tomatoes) and some horrible failures (almost everything else).
Books read in 2011?

Alex Cross, by James Patterson

Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver

The President’s Club, by Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy

11-22-1963, by Stephen King

Real Marriage, by Mark & Grace Driscoll

James: Mercy Triumphs, by Beth Moore

Do anything embarrassing?
I got asked if I was pregnant about a dozen times. You know, before I actually was pregnant. 
Did you know anybody who got married?
My best friend Katie…
Lori & Randy…
Amy & Andy…
Joe & Joy…
And Mr. Right and I helped coordinate Hannah & Todd’s wedding (which is why I’m wearing the apron).
Did you move anywhere?

Describe your birthday:

My 32nd birthday was one I’ll never forget. It was the day I found out I was pregnant. Well, technically, it was the day of my birthday party that I found out I was pregnant… and then my actual birthday (Thanksgiving) we got to announce it to both of our families.

So anyway, back to the day we found out. A week before I had a quick case of food poisoning, and I just couldn’t seem to shake the nausea. I was suddenly really tired, just couldn’t seem to bounce back after being sick. So I finally decided to take a pregnancy test… and, well, the rest is history.

After I got the good news, Mr. Right and I spent the rest of the afternoon in the Emergency Room – I was having some symptoms that are dangerous when you’re pregnant, my doctor’s office was closed for the rest of the week because of Thanksgiving, and they told me to go to the ER for tests. About four hours later, we had the good news that we were indeed pregnant, that everything looked fine, and then we had to go to my birthday party (Mr. Right had to leave me at the hospital to go home and grab my cake and a change of clothes, and I changed in the hospital bathroom), then go straight to my birthday dinner.

For two people who are terrible at keeping secrets, not telling folks at our party made us both want to explode. It was SO hard.

You can totally tell in these pictures that I don’t feel well. That was the beginning of this two months of non-stop nausea.

What’s something you learned about yourself?
I feel like I really stretched myself creatively through opening Texas Lovely.
I learned a lot about faith when Mr. Right quit his job and started a new real estate business.
Were you in school this year?
Mr. Right and I did some more ESL training (we’re officially certified now), and Mr. Right continued on in seminary. He’s down to SIX classes left (out of 98 hours total) and should finish in 2013… praise the Lord. I can’t wait to plan his graduation party – it’ll be a biggie.
Any new additions to your family?
In June 2012 I welcomed my nephew Luke James – first son of my sister Sarah and her husband Philip. Luke was a week late but totally worth the wait.
In August 2012 I welcomed another nephew, Jack Henry – second child to Mr. Right’s brother Grant and his wife Michelle. Jack Henry was a bit of a surprise, coming eight weeks early, but by the grace of God he is healthy and growing quickly!
Favorite night out?
Of course I have several…
While we were vacationing in Marco Island, Florida last spring, we picked up chinese food and took it to a pier overlooking the ocean. At sunset. And there was ice cream.
There was our anniversary get-away… a night at a fancy hotel, dinner at a fancy steak house, and then lounging around and doing absolutely nothing productive the rest of the time.
There was our epic camping trip – when Chef Right cooked me a gourmet dinner and breakfast. The weather was perfect, we took a long hike the next morning – the only downside to our romantic night under the stars was the group of 12-year-old boy scouts at the site right next to ours.
And then there was my secret date – the one that I planned – where I took Mr. Right to the Concert in the Gardens and had a big picnic. It was one of my favorite dates ever.

What do you want to change in 2013?

What, besides becoming a family of three? I’d like to relax more and worry less.


Where did you spend most of your time?
I spent most of my free time in 2012 sewing in my sewing studio. I knocked out 10 quilts – and I love each and every one of them.
Do you have a new year’s resolution?
Last year I was 0 for 3 on my resolutions. This year, I only have two:
1. Have a baby (I think I’ve got this one).
2. Create a more organized system for our mail/bills/family paperwork.
Did you get sick this year?
I had one ER visit for an asthma attack, and I’ve been quite sick in my first trimester.
Start a new hobby?
Nope, but I stayed plenty busy with all that quilting.
What are you hoping and planning for in 2013?
I can’t wait to meet our sweet baby – to hold him or her for the first time. I can’t wait to find out if it’s a boy or a girl, to decorate the nursery, to experience all of his or her firsts.
I know 2013 is going to be a very special year.


  1. You had a wonderful 2012!!! Can’t wait to see all the amazing things that God has planned for 2013! I love you and I am so proud and challenged by all that you’ve accomplished!!! Can’t wait to meet baby Wright!!!


  2. I think your year in review is such a nice idea. Seems like you had a great fun filled year last year. This year will definitely be an amazing landmark year full of blessings though.


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