2007 In Review

I tend to get sentimental about New Year’s. I’m the type that writes out her New Year’s resolutions, thinks long and hard about the year that has just past, and looks at a new year as an open book, a clean slate (an ice cream sundae without any toppings!).

Soon I’ll post my resolutions (along with a look back at my last few years’ resolutions to see how I did). I’m not quite ready for that yet (I’ve been too busy taking down Christmas decorations). So in the meantime, here’s a look back at my 2007.

Where did you begin 2007?
I went to a Stars game, and then over to a friend’s house for a party.

Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Yes, I took two grad school classes. School’s a lot tougher when you’re working full time! (and paying for it yourself!) However, I still have all A’s!

Did you have any encounters with the police?
I got a ticket from one of those red light cameras. I think it’s unconstitutional.

Where did you go on vacation?
I took a two-week trip to Europe (visited Florence, Venice, Rome, Nice, Monaco, Cannes, and Paris) and then a short weekend trip to Washington DC to visit some college girlfriends.

What did you purchase that was over $500?
I made the biggest purchase of my life… a house! I also bought a washer, dryer, oven/stove and refridgerator (gulp). You could probably include two semesters of private college tuition as well. What a year!

Did you know anybody who got married?
I went to 5 weddings: Hailey & Jason, Amy & Keith, Kristin & Phil, Emily & (I forgot his name?), Brad & Jenn… am I forgetting anybody else?

Did you move anywhere?
Yes… into my brand-new house!

What sporting events did you attend?
Tons of Rangers games (probably 20), a Cowboys game, several Stars games, a Mavs game, a Dallas Desperados game, and lot’s of volleyball and soccer games. Oh, and I played on a softball team.

Where do you live now?

Describe your birthday:
My closest friends and family took me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant… Blue Mesa. It was a really nice night.

What’s something you learned about yourself?
I learned a lot about what I want, what I’m capable of, and how to take care of a house (and yard!).

Any new additions to your family?
I got a new roommate, Michelle.

What was your best month?
The whole year was nice.

Made new friends?
Yes! We got several new girls in my Sunday School class that have fit right in.

Favorite Night out?
A few nights ago my family sat around the dinner table and told funny stories about my mom. It was a really cool memory. Our catch phrase… “Get over it!”

What do you want to change in 2008?
Not a whole lot, I kind of want to coast…

Overall, how would you rate this year?

What would you change about 2007?
I would have been nice to have had less homework. I felt like a lot of my free time was drained from writing papers. And I didn’t get to knit or scrapbook much–those things are relaxing to me!

Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
Work. It was pretty demanding at certain times this year, but I still really love my job.

Have any life changes in 2007?
I became a homeowner! I’m so proud to be able to say that I bought (actually built) a house without a husband. It’s kind of liberating! I’m very thankful that my parents let me live at home and save extra money while it was being built–without them, it wouldn’t have been possible.

Change your hairstyle?
I’ve had the same hairstyle for 10 years… although this week I came “this close” to cutting bangs. But I came to my senses and realized it would make me look 12.

Have any car accidents?
Thankfully, no.

Buy a new car?
Sort of… I bought an old car that used to belong to my parents and sister. It was more reliable than my convertible, and now I won’t have to buy a new car while I’m paying for grad school.

Get a new job?

Do you have a New Year’s resolution?
I’ll fill you in on those soon… I’m still working on them.

Do anything embarrassing?
This morning I was taking down my Christmas lights from outside, and realized I needed some storage bins from Target. I ran over there, and hadn’t bothered to shower or put on make-up (or even brush my teeth). It was probably the ugliest I’ve ever been… people were turning and staring at me because I looked so bad. All I could do was laugh.

Buy anything new from eBay?
No, but I developed a new love for Amazon, and I bought all of my Christmas gifts online. Only one never arrived.

What was your favorite purchase?
Besides my house… I finally bought a new leather love seat to match my couch. It only took me 4 years to buy it. It only took me 24 hours to commit to building this house, but I think about furniture purchases for years. Go figure.

Did you get sick this year?
I was pretty healthy, until this week.

Start a new hobby?
Gardening. Some of my plants have even lived.

Are you happy to see 2007 go?
Sure… because I have high expectations for 2008!

Drink Starbucks in 2007?
Yes, but my true love is Bon Journo, a little coffee shop nearby.

What are you wishing for in 2008?
A year that’s drama-free!

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